Arcah eBooks. Rare Occult Wisdom



Congratulations - you have found the publisher of unique and original occult eBooks, specializing in arcane works on Archangels, Angels, Celestial Kabbalah, Medieval Hermeticism, Esoteric Christianity, Historical Grimoires, and Sacred Texts. For those new to angelic magick, the rituals and knowledge of Celestial Spirits may be applied by all, Christians, Pagans and New Age thinkers. Angelic Magick is safe for all to practice requiring minimum artifacts, no elaborate rituals, and most importantly, does not conflict with traditional religious philosophies.

The practice of the Angelic Art will enhance your life and help you to understand the celestial cosmos,
and your place within it. If you need any further information of our portfolio, please drop us an email we will
endeavour to answer your query as best we can. Please note that all eBooks and service prices are quoted in UK British Pounds (Sterling). Just select one of our eBook categories below and click.

Our Portfolio, all things Celestial & More!

A number of our eBook publications may form part of the self-initiation path in the Pauline Art, but they
are also designed to be discrete, stand-alone, self-study texts, on a particular angelic subject. All our Path eBooks are unique and not rehashes of any previous published work (this naturally excludes our classic re-prints), giving you the reader access to powerful esoteric information. Remember Angel Magic is "SAFE"
and may be practiced by Christians and Non-Christians alike. For more information- Click Here

Managing Director - Archan Publishing

Special Offers

eBooklets - Miscellaneous Mystical Titles

eBooklets These ebooklets are short, but to the point on a wide variety of occult subjects. Covering such subjects as Magical Tools, Mystical Potions, Magickal Alphabets, astrological issues etc. Have a look at our list you may find something you have been looking for!


eBook List - Angels & Archangels

Angels and Archangels

This portfolio deals exclusively with the individual Archangels, the Traditional Seven Planetary Archangels, or Kabbalistic Archangels. These are ArchangelsGabriel, Samael, Raphael, Sachiel, Anael, Cassiel and Michael. Together with the Archangel Azrael, Uriel, and Asariel, who are classed as non-traditional archangel. We are always looking to add to this portfolio covering many other archangels and celestial spirts from Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc.


eBook List - Angelic Art & Hermeticism

Angelic Art & Hermetiscm

These works hold a wealth of
knowledge on the Angelic Realm.
Some eBooks fit into our initiation
path series, and some do not. But don't worry
each work is self-contained and may be used
as a stand-alone instructional text. angelic
subjects vary from flowers, stones, to the
Tarot, Numerology etc. but all with one thing
in common, they all deal with the subject of celestial magick, archangels, and angels.


eBook List - Grimoire Re-prints

Grimoire Reprints

Many of todays occult practices come from ancient manuscripts. Many of these are difficult for the student to follow, and many, due to multiple copying, have numerous errors and mistakes. At Archan Publishing we pride ourselves on only selecting authors who have vast experience in their subject matter, and therefore you can be sure that the re-prints of these ancient texts are as accurate as possible. Where it is possible, these Grimoires include cross-references to the angelic art as required giving you a complete confidence in the information given.


eBook List - General Occult

Traditional magickal subjects, provides simple concise information covering a wide variety of magickal themes and practices. There is no unnecessary information, in these eBooklets, just pure basic information of a practical nature, to help you get to grips with various magickal techniques immeadiately, and begin practicing as soon as possible therefore eliminating any confusing or unnecessary information and uncertainty.



Used Books - Hardbacks and Manuscripts

used books

These books are rare hardback editions. Which our site vistors/customer wish to put up for sale. All the works address the magickal arts, and therefore valuable for study. It shiuld be noted that Archan is only the advertsier of these works, they are all owned by the seller. All books/manuscripts have been examined by Archan who can conform the descriptions and condition is correct.


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